Frases célebres

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

9/11 - Anatomy of a Great Deception - Complete Version

A deep investigation of 9/11/2001 Wolrd Trade Center attacks made by an ordinary man. 
The Anatomy of a Great Deception is a quasi-political, spiritual
docu-thriller following businessman-turned-filmmaker, David Hooper as he
deals with the emotions of his own investigation into the events of
9/11. The fast pace and the filmmakers commentary on coping with the
emotions involved in finding truth, sets the film apart. "Even though, I
didn't know it at the time, work on this film started in February 2011.
Back then I was a regular guy trying to live the American dream, with
three kids and a wife, who was pregnant with number four!"

 "It started with an innocent question about 9/11. And that lead to more innocent questions. And after a while, I completely changed my opinion of the official story of that day."

"That was a very hard time in my life. It felt like my world was turned upside down. I couldn't stop researching. I was unemployed. And I was running out of savings. I tried talking about it, but felt like no one was listening. At the time, my wife didn't even believe me . . . nor did my friends and family. No matter what I tried, nothing worked."

"So, to preserve my sanity and save my marriage, I began putting this film together. I had no idea any of this would ever happen because I simply made it for my wife, my sister and a couple of dear friends. I made it to speak to them directly, to get them to open their eyes. And it worked, because just all my friends and family that have seen it have changed their opinion about 9/11, maybe all by the time you read this!"

"As time went on, I realized there are millions of people, like me, who've had a hard time talking about the truth of 9/11 with people in our lives. As I further understood that and continued getting requests to see the film, it began to evolve into a bridge for all us, no matter where we stand on 9/11."

"Mostly, the film is meant to be an effective introduction to the controversies of 9/11 for those of us who still have no idea there are any controversies. If this issue is going to ever get into the spotlight, it'll need a catalyst and I hope this film can do it."

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

el secreto mas buscado TTIP, TTP y TISA, el último paso a la esclavitud mundial.

TTIP, TTP y TISA La nueva ola de tratados de comercio e inversión como TTIP (Tratado Transatlántico de comercio e inversión, UE-EEUU) ,TPP (Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación) o TISA (Trade in Services Arrangement) ha pasado inadvertida para los mass media nacionales y europeos.Las corporaciones transnacionales de la información han decidido, como empresas en busca de beneficios que son, que no debían "informar" en contra de sus intereses.

Misterios Ancestrales - La Tecnología Antes De Su Época

LOS MISTERIOS MAS GRANDES DEL PLANETA TIERRA. misterios del mundo-El secreto de los antiguos constructores.

sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2016

SIMON PARKES Planes Ocultos para comenzar la 3ª Guerra Mundial: “Si tienes comida y agua, ESTÁS SEGURO”

Larga entrevista realizada por la investigadora Kerry Cassidy (administradora de la web ),
realizada al expolítico del Partido Laborista Simon Parkes, contactado y
con vínculos con el MI6 (Servicio Secreto Británico) ya que su madre y
su abuelo trabajaron para este organismo oficial.

En este video habla de muchas
cuestiones como por ejemplo del colapso financiero que se avecina,
atentados de falsa bandera en el Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, la lucha
de poderes entre las diferentes facciones de la élite (Illuminati,
Rockefeller, etc… ), las advertencias del Gobierno Alemán y Sueco para
almacenar agua y alimentos por un período de 10 días, la crisis de los
refugiados en Europa y de sus consecuencias, el masivo movimiento
de material militar desde Estados Unidos a Europa en una previsible
escalada bélica además del movimiento de tropas y tanques desde bases
militares de Estados Unidos en Europa hacia paises fronterizos con
Rusia, las consecuencias del Brexit, etc…

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

Embarrancados Documental En Español

Las precarias condiciones de trabajo de las personas que laboran en el
desguace de barcos mas grande del mundo. Chittagong Bangladesh

martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

Tecnología nuclear del apocalipsis Documental completo Español HD

La tecnología nuclear es la tecnología que está relacionada con las reacciones de núcleos atómicos de ciertos elementos. Las tecnologías nucleares más destacadas son: la energía nuclear, la medicina nuclear y las armas nucleares. Se han desarrollado aplicaciones desde detectores de humo hasta reactores